Monday, April 06, 2009
Episode 5 Viewing on April 13th!
MNN (Manhattan Neighborhood Network) will be premiering Episode 5 of "Zombie Hunters: City Of The Dead" on Monday, April 13th, at 11pm. This episode shows what the Hunters do after one of their own gets shot in a weapons deal gone bad, and features great music by Bernadette McCallion and NYC's own Kissy Kamikaze!
NOW, if you're happy to be safe, snug, and at home in Manhattan to watch it, that's great. By all means, enjoy! BUT - they'll ALSO be showing it at The Perfect Pint, 203 East 45th Street bet 2nd and 3rd Avenues, on the 3rd floor of the bar, on the same night ...same time. So, if you'd like to meet members of the cast and crew, they'll be there from 9:30 onward, so try to make it down and hang with us for the Manhattan premiere! And who knows? There might even be some Season One DVDs floating around!
We've also got an Episode 7 clip up on YouTube. Check it out here!
For more information, drop us a line at!
Friday, April 03, 2009
Thanks so much!
Remember to tune in to QPTV on Sunday night at 11:!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Rondo Awards and a New Convention Appearance!
First off, I'm excited to announce that we came in third place in the 2008 Rondo Awards for Best Independent Feature. We placed right behind the one and only Christopher Walken reciting The Raven for an animated feature, so this is pretty great news to us. We're getting there, guys, we're getting there! So thank you all for voting for us, and here's to next years Rondo's! To see all the winners, go to
My many thanks also for the support of the Cult Radio A GoGo family of shows and stars, and especially to Corpse S. Chris of HorrorHostGraveyard.Com, who helped is get nominated to begin with! You guys should all check out Chris' site, and CRAGG on Saturday nights at
In other news, we're doing something pretty damn cool this weekend. On Saturday, March 28th, we'll be showing Episode 1 at The Institute of Horror, Fantasy & Science Fiction Convention, in the Flushing Queens Library at 41-17 Main st. Flushing . The event itself starts at 12:00 noon in the main theater, with the art gallery opening around 11:30 a.m. They will be showing Zombie Hunters at around 3:00 p.m., and then have a Q&A session with the cast.
The Con is sponsored by Blood Moon Rising magazine, which just did an interview with us and a review of our first DVD. The new issue, Blood Moon Rising #37, is now online, and you can see it by going to; click the cover icon on the left hand side bar to bring you into the mag. Once you're inside, look for (Interviews) and the (Graveyard Cinema) to see both things about the show. This is a brand-new convention for us and I'm sure it's going to be a good one.
Hope to see you guys on Saturday, bring as many people as you'd like! And as always, Happy Hunting!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Some Pictures from Saturday's Shoot
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Follow the Zombie Hunters on Twitter!
If you're on Facebook, you can also find us there. Just look for the group Zombie Hunters: City of the Dead and other goodies! Join the group and get updates from Patrick and the Hunting Party!
We Won an Award!

We are SO proud and excited to announce that ZH:COD has won a "Dead Letter Award" from the one and only Mail Order Zombie show! This is the first annual round of these awards, and we are friggin' thrilled to have been granted this honor!
The entire show featuring the DLA's can be listened to or downloaded here: Our many thanks to MOZ hosts Brother D and Bren, not only for this recognition, but for providing the horror community with a fresh, honest look at the too-often overlooked Zombie genre, from film to novels to comics.
Keep it going, guys, and here's to much success to you and all the nominees and winners for 2009! Please listen to them weekly at!
We've also, to the efforts of our friend Corpse S. Chris from, have been nominated for an award for "Best Independant Production" at this year's RONDO AWARDS! We need your help: please, as soon as you can, visit and vote for us! It only takes a minute, but it will help us get recognition for all our zombie-licious efforts. (We promise to do extra patrols in your area if we win!!!)
In other categories, you'll find our friends from Cult Radio A GoGo, horror host Karlos Borloff, as well as Chris's site mentioned above. Please consider giving these guys a vote in their respective categories as they all work extremely hard on their shows and events, all to bring you all the very best in modern (and not-so-modern) horror! If you do any write-ins, please also consider our good friends at Mail Order Zombie (they rock). Voting ends on March 21, so check it out today!
Where the Zombie Hunters at?
On March 28, we'll be at the Flushing Queens Library for the Horror Writer & Sapphire Publications Presention, The Institute of Horror, Fantasy & Science Fiction. Author and Publisher Al J. Vermette will be there, and we'll be screening episode one of ZH: COD! In addition, there will be an author's lair with readings and book signings; a horror/fantasy/sci-fi art gallery; workshops on writing & publishing; horror & fantasy film screenings with lectures on filmmaking & Q&A; a book launch for new thriller, "Dark Soul Rising." It all happens in Rooms A&B & Auditorium, Lower Level. Come on over and check it out!
You can also find us at the Chiller Theatre Expo on April 17-19, at the Hilton Parsippany in New Jersey (One Hilton Court). This time around, they'll be celebrating the 30th anniversary of Fulci's Zombie - you know we'll be armed and ready!
We'll also be at the Fangoria Weekend of Horrors from June 5-7 at the New Yorker Hotel in Manhattan (481 Eighth Ave. at 34th St). Come check it out; in addition to the Zombie Hunters being there (and really, what other reason do you need?), the man himself, TOM SAVINI, is showing up. You know where to find us.
New Year, New Zombies!
- Not only did we premiere on QPTV, but we ended the year playing in Manhattan (Channel 67) and Brooklyn (Channel 56 if you've got Time Warner, Channel 69 if you've got Cablevision). We were on the radio with Ron and Fez and Cult Radio A Go Go, and we were at the Chiller Theatre convention (you may have caught us on Sci Fi Ninja Theatre!).
- We were reviewed on podcasts like the ever-awesome Mail Order Zombie (more on that coming up) and on sites like The Jaded Viewer, and made some more new friends along the way.
All in all, it was a crazy, fantastic, amazing year. And 2009 is only going to get better! Stick with us - we're going places!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Updated MySpace Page!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Quiz Time!